200 times Pictures

To make a thing X200

like a sponge

Here is today's one photo.

like a sponge

Is it a sponge?


It looks like some kind of fibrous thing is gathering.


is the color yellow or white


It seems that something whitish is wrapped around the fibers.


It looks delicious too.


So let's make it by 1.


Post it

This is a stationery post-it that changed the times.


When viewed at 200x, it seemed that there were quite a few gaps in the fibers.


Each fiber was originally a grass or a tree.

It's called cellulose.


The key to post-it notes is the glue.


A developer at 3M in the United States made a prototype of glue that has little use.


This was a failure in a way, because the stronger the glue, the more valuable it was.


In addition, another researcher used the failed work as a bookmark and discovered that it was very convenient because it could be peeled off many times.


And the story that the era was created is a famous story.


The lesson is that failure doesn't exist, it just works or doesn't fit the purpose.